Yard Waste 2024

Leaf and yard waste pickup ends.

Grass Clippings

Grass Clippings Credit: my-waste Team . Image: my-waste Team .

Yard Waste

Place leaf and yard waste such as fallen fruit, garden waste, grass clippings, leaves, plants and pumpkins in a brown paper yard waste bag or an open-top rigid reusable container with handles on opposite sides, clearly marked with City of Hamilton yard waste stickers. Each bag or container must not exceed 23 kg (50 lb). Containers cannot be larger than 135L.

All noxious weeds including Giant Hogweed and Poison Ivy are not accepted as yard waste. These items are accepted as garbage.

For more information about Leaf & Yard Waste including where to pick up stickers, visit hamilton.ca/yardwaste.  

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